Saturday, July 31, 2010

Huge dilemma with a girl...need advice.?

Ok well there was one girl i was talking to that i just kinda broke off form because it wasn't going my way. So then i meet this girl at a party, we connect, and it seems like i'll have smething i can fall back on and everything will be ok. Then i found out she had been talking to my friend before me, and she had feelings for both of us. The thing is, my friend is the kinda guy who just uses a girl to get some, while i want an actual realtionship with her. I dont want to tell her and get **** started up with my friend, yet it will kill me to watch him use her with me feeling like a jackass. If i dont get her either, i honestly may consider suicide, i mean this is just another thing added onto a lot of stress already in my life. I just need someone to tell me what i can do to win her over, or tell her getting with my friend would be a bad idea....Huge dilemma with a girl...need advice.?
well you said that you would have someone to fall back on...doesn't sound like your all that serious but if you really like this girl and want her that bad, I say fight for her. Be yourself and woo her. Call her, take her out and show her a good time.

Don't bring up the other guy when your out, do not let her know you are ';competing'; so to speak.

And don't tell your friend either...guys become very competitive when backed into a corner.

I would tell this girl you really like her, but don't scare it in s subtle way.

Good Luck !! Now go get your girl.................Huge dilemma with a girl...need advice.?
Dude i was in a situation that i was thinking commiting suicide but i didnt. You should talk ot her about your feeling and see waht happen and if it dont work . Just forget her man. Some girl outhere dont kow what good and what not. trust me.
well what you can do to get close to her is really get to know her and show her how much more you care about her then your friend. Show her what you could do for her and show her that being with you would be the best thing ever. If she is really into your friend then while she is around put ur friend into a situation where he has to show his jerk side and then make sure she sees and understands and if the girl doesn't realize how great you are and doesn't fall more for you then she isn't your type and oyu are wasting your time. But if she picks your friend and you love her enough then when your friend hurts her then you need to be there you scoop her up off her feet and tell her everything will be alright.

I hope that helps you in some way!!!
Don't get into that, it would be trouble, leave her alone, if you value your friendship. That situation is nothing but an explosion waiting to happen especially since Homegirl can't make up her mind. Either she wants her cake and pie, and cookies, too or she like the attention and wants to keep the game going!
suicide? omg emo jesus ppl like u are so damn dramatic.

hang out with her more and be more flirty and then she'll probably forget about hte other guy.

be the sweetest guy ever.

but =.- ew ppl like u who think about suicide over one girl are just sad maybe u should kill urself.
Tell your friend that you're interested in her. If he respects you at all, he would back down and let you have her.

Maybe you could try and be persistent in talking with her, as well. Only if you have her number, her email and so on. I'm sure your friend isnt slick enough to not make it obvious he just wants her for sex. Girls have a radar for that stuff most of the time. At least I do.

Don't let this little thing ruin you though. if your friends behavior in all sincerity bothers you, maybe you should question his friendship and ask him why he has to be that way all the time. May be a tough subject, but it's something that will be worth having in the long run.

Best of luck.
Your so called friend doesn't sound much like a real friend I say you ask her out first. He doesn't deserve her and you do. Don't think of suicide, don't give up on the world. It will work out. I think all you need is a friend. I will be your friend if it keeps you from comitting suicide. The best way to win a girls heart is being some what sensitive. If she goes out with your friend tell her what you just told me and say that you don't wanta she her hurt. I wish you the best of luck and hope you get the girl instead of you jackass friend sorry but he sounds like a reall asshole.
Alright man, first, suicide is not a good answer. Its just selfish. Your parents wasted 15 years on you? Selfish. And things always get better.

And if you think she will say yes, ask her out before your friend does. And if he says Dude wtf or whatever, just say you got her first, tough luck.

Good luck, and god bless.
im very sorry for everything going on in your life. im sure everything will be okay in the end. ive been through depression... it hurts so bad... i know. you arent going to like my answer but i promise i know whats best. ive been through this.. now listen to me. you dont need to have a girlfriend at all. you need to find yourself and sort out your feelings. having a girlfriend may only make you happier on the outside and when it ends... it will only hurt worse. start to belive in yourself and open your eyes to what is good in life. enjoy the little things in life. dont stress over having a girlfriend. it sounds like you definately need someone to talk to... so if you need anything just email me at or IM me on AIM. belive me... after what i went through i want to be there for anyone i can. make sure your true to yourself and love yourself before you get into a relaionship and yes.. maybe you should warn the girl about your friend and tell your friend you dont appriciate the way you treat girls. its not right. you should stick up for what you belive in. and this habit your friend has got into will not be good for him later in life. good luck.. remember to have faith that everything will be just fine. remember.. you can talk to me if you ever need anything.
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