Tuesday, November 22, 2011

12 year old girl idk !!!! advice please?


a friend of mine has a daughter .

the girl is 12 years old and she is all over guys .

im not being disgusting but she just got her period and the bathroom looked like a horror flick .


shes running around i would assume in heat which is nasty but shes seeing a kid whos 13 and and kid whos 12

i mean by seeing not dating like playing with everyday

and she was on my computer while her mom came over and i saw on the history that she was looking up how to get pregnant , what is puberty , and what does sex feel like

im talking google searchs

so im trying to look out for her

her mom wants to know what to do ???

she looks 15 but shes 12

i dont know

any advice12 year old girl idk !!!! advice please?
explain to her the consequences behind her behavior12 year old girl idk !!!! advice please?
O dear. Whats the world coming to. What ever happened to hopscotch.
kids are just getttin worse now a days!

they get soo slutty

i doubt this one is gonna change

once they startlike that theyll neveer stop!

i think u should tell her mom

what if she doesnt care?!?!

u should talk to her
the simple thing to do is ask her if she really is your friend, then when she says yes have her mom take her to a high school or some were that have teen moms and have those teens talk to her and tell her what its like to be a mom at a yung age, then you can tell her that if she really is your firend she would stop treating her self as a whore cause she isnt and that you are there for her and just want to see her be safe and happy tell she finds the right guy (when she is older) theres no rush to being older and haveing a kid trust me :)

P.S tell her mom it will be ok there are many ways to stop her from doing bad things
Tell her mother what you found.
weellll you do what you want if she was my daughter she could do what ever she wants
Mind your own business and let the girl's mother handle her.
Yea seriously it would take something jurassic to make her change. Like maybe giving her one of the fake but REALLY life like babies to take care of so her wish can come true. Then her mom should make her care for it so she can see what the real world is like. She could maybe even make her do lots of chores to simulate having a job and then the mom can take out money for taxes and make her pay rent, food etc. with the money she makes. Then the daughter can see first hand how life is.

Hopefully the girl would realize that teen pregnancy and sex is not ok and then she be a normal kid again with having to go through all the aforementioned things FOR REAL when she either an adult or gets the baby she was hoping for.

And if you cant do something jurassic that can alter this behavior then she has a difficult road ahead of her.
Sounds like her mom needs to have ';the talk'; with her. Every girl at that age are curious like that-but if the moms don't sit down and explain it, the girl will be left with questions. She will turn to the Internet to find out the answers and the more she finds out the deeper she will get into it. A harmless talk with mom has boundaries, but the Internet doesn't! And things will go to rated r content. Her mom really needs to keep an eye on her because she WILL become a little skank child.
Okay, first I want to start out with she's going to regret acting like that later on in life. Tell her that. If she tells you to leave (or something along those lines) just continue on because if she keeps acting this way and her friends find out then everyone will find out and think she is a greasy slut. The one thing I regret from when i was twelve was having a boyfriend. Sure, it was common to have one. You wanted someone to go to dances with. But that's really it. I spent more and more time talking to him at home on MSN than i did hanging out with my friends. And, what did i do when i was with my friends? I talked about guys of course. Then, I realized that i was spending more time sitting at home trying to find a way to go out to a movie or do something than i actually was doing these things.

I cant remember where this story was going but I hope the advice i have given so far works out for you.
Teens and preteens have so much more to deal with now than their parents had to at their age. The media, internet and even kids at school are the sources of much misinformation about sex and sexuality.

It seems as though your friend's daughter is maturing physically but mentally and emotionally she is still a bit immature.

It is natural for her to be curious about sex, boys and babies, however, she needs alot of guidance in this area.

Apart from her own curiosity, exposure to pornographic material at home or at school, or sexual molestation could be a contributing factor to her current behaviour.

Her mother should sit with her and try discuss the issue of sex, as well as boy-girl relationships, puberty and some of the many challenges which she may be facing now as a pre teen. If her mother finds it difficult to have such open discussions herself she can seek the help of a counsellor, possibly at school or church. As her mother's friend you can also try to talk with her and guide her. Don't be too quick to judge her or label her though, just try to understand that she is going through a very tough period of her life and she needs alot of love and support from friends and family.

I have two teen girls myself. When they had their first period I had a ladies only party to celebrate their beginning womanhood. I invited my female relatives, (no litttle girls) and we talked about what it means to be a woman. We also just had alot of good, clean fun with games and treats. Maybe you guys can try this too. I hope that I was helpful to you in some way.
Sign up her mother for wife swap. That should be an interesting episode. She would get a strict mother, who won't ler her out of her sight.

This is th answer, I am serious.
the internet is a good place to learn that stuff. especially wikipedia. she's doing the right thing.
i think you should mind your own business and let her mother worry about her own daughter.
Let easy girls be easy girls! She sounds like a little skank girl. There's nothing you can do for this type of girl, just watch.

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